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12th Lanzarote Biennial | «Gabinete en disolución»

12th Lanzarote Biennial | «Gabinete en disolución»




From December 18 to March 9


Daily from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM.


Castillo de San José


Ticket price for MIAC



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Curator: Gilberto González
Location: Temporary Exhibition Hall – MIAC (International Museum of Contemporary Art)
Exhibition Dates: December 18, 2024, to March 9, 2025

The 12th edition of the Lanzarote Biennial continues with the exhibition Gabinete en disolución, curated by Gilberto González. This exhibition will be hosted at the International Museum of Contemporary Art (MIAC) in the Castillo de San José, from December 18, 2024, to March 9, 2025.

What Is César Moro’s head?

An object, a discovery. And the sand? A terrarium, a silver tray, a prophecy of an exhausted future. This photograph of the severed body is, undeniably, the portrait of a lost youth. Yet simultaneously, it confronts us with the realization that the body is a sum of disconnected parts, which we learn to perceive as a whole. From the childlike question, “If you had to choose one body part to amputate, which would it be?”, emerges the reflection that parts do not make up the whole—they are disposable remnants.

The gap between the natural and the human

Hard to believe, yet understandable from a distance: an optimistic Hegel viewed the artist as the only being capable of bridging the gap between the natural and the human. As if art could resolve or highlight the bleeding dilemma between artifice and nature. But today, when artifice is seen as just another chemical reaction and humanity as a mere chain of random events shaping arbitrary forms, how can art address form, except through abstraction?

The infinite decomposition of form

How can we stop seeing the head as a whole and instead perceive it as an endlessly decomposable element? Through diverse practices, a group of selected artists interrogates and traces the achrony of form while our gaze shifts between the nano and the cosmic. This is not metaphysics; on the contrary, it is physics—confronting us with the absurd relationship we once accepted as the norm.

Featured works by:

Mauro Cerqueira, June Crespo, Thilo Heinzmann, Kiko Pérez, Gonçalo Sena Rocha, Julia Spínola, Rosa Tharrats, Asunción Molinos, Sara Ramo, Jorge Eielson, Mariela Scafati, Teresa Solar Abboud, Juan Gopar, Alfonso Fraile, Beatriz Lecuona & Óscar Hernández, César Mor

1.Mariela Scafati The After 2023
Acrylic on linen and rope 2. Jorge Eielson Amazzonia XXXVII 1980
Felt, cotton and acrylic on board 3. Teresa Solar Aboud Reino invertido 2023
Iron, clay, sand, boulders, porex, resin, acrylic painting.

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